The "Light" series, designed by Alba Gallizia, showcases expertly crafted water glasses, jugs, and bottles. Standing at 29 cm tall with a 7 cm diameter, this sophisticated bottle is ideal for serving water, refreshing cocktails like margaritas, and soft drinks. The accompanying glass bottle stopper ensures protection from insects. Add a pop of color to your table by pairing it with other shades from the "Light" collection for a striking display.
Material: Borosilicate Glass, handmade
Dimensions: Height 29cm I Diameter 7cm
Design by Alba Gallizia
Alba Gallizia graduated from Milan’s Politecnico in 1985 and began her career as an assistant professor in Architectural Composition at IUAV, Venice. In 1993, she embarked on her independent professional journey, excelling in various fields including architecture, interior and furniture design, corporate image, and product design. Her diverse expertise and innovative approach have made her a distinguished figure in the design world.
Care Guide
Dishwasher safe at low temperatures
(40 ° recommended).