
Merme Founder - NAVE Shop - online concept store

Each of MERME's ingredients are chosen for their quality with the focus only on the raw pureness of plants. This 1-Ingredient philosophy means products are stripped down to their 100% potency with no hidden fillers.
Because most Daily skin and hair products can include up to 200 chemicals that are harmful to our bodies. These products are usually made by an assortment of natural and unnatural ingredients, however when mixed together the key natural ingredients become diluted and essentially so are their nutrients.

Originally from Australia, Claire has called Berlin her home since 2014. Here the attitude towards the importance of quality, practicality and simplicity really confirmed her thoughts.

„This German mindset has taught me it‘s better to only have one really high-quality product rather than five with less quality. The ideology behind MERME products containing only one, highest quality ingredient was definitely inspired by this amazing culture. Not to mention, having such sensitive skin I‘ve learned it‘s best to incorporate only one ingredient at a time to really pinpoint what works best for you.“

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