Your parcel will be shipped with DHL and processed as soon as possible, or the next working day. You will receive an email with you're shipping information and your DHL tracking number. If you're in Cologne we will deliver your parcel personally and contact free via bike - we'll check in with you to arrange times.
We currently ship to:
Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Monaco, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Malta, Cypress, United Kingdom.
The delivery times depend on your location and may vary abroad. Basically, it takes 1-3 working days within Germany and up to a week elsewhere. Exact details can be found in the delivery confirmation by email, you can track the delivery with the DHL tracking ID which you will receive by mail.
Shipping within Germany
Shipping within the EU:
For Non EU Countries in Europe:
* Delivery to Switzerland, United Kingdom and Liechtenstein: Please note that for deliveries outside the EU may incur customs fees and therefore may incur further costs.